There’s A New Way To Create Custom Columns In Google Ads

Custom Google Ads columns provide the flexibility to expand reporting with more data points of interest to your individual business.

Now, Google gives you more options when creating custom columns. Let’s take a deeper look at the new changes.

New custom column features in Google Ads

Expanding custom columns now allows you to:

  • Spreadsheet functionality included
  • Calculate and compare metrics across date ranges
  • Reference other custom columns in a formula
  • Add more non-metric columns to your formula, including columns like campaign name, budget, and more
  • Use new column formats like ‘Text’, ‘True/False’ and ‘Date’
  • Apply multiple filters to a single formula
  • Filter by variables assigned to conversions

Here is an example of how to display your custom columns at the overview level:

Image credit:, April 2022

Spreadsheet functions will allow you to create columns based on ‘IF’ statements, for example. The complete list classified for the spreadsheet mission You can add are:

  • mathematics
  • Logic
  • text
  • Date

Provide custom columns

Google notes that custom columns you create will be available in other reporting tools. These include:

  • Report editor
  • Google Ads Dashboards

The ability to share custom columns with dashboards and reporting tools can help make your reports more sophisticated and more relevant to your target audience.

How to create a custom column

In Google Ads, click the “Columns” button at the top of your campaign overview (or at the ad group level, whichever you want to create these columns in.

How to modify custom columns in Google Ads.Image credit: Screenshot taken by the author, April 2022

Next, click on Edit Columns, and you will find an option to create a Custom Column:

Where to create a custom column in Google Ads.Image credit: Screenshot taken by the author, April 2022

Now, this is where you can get creative. With custom columns, you have (almost) endless options for creating metrics or columns to suit your needs.

You will need to enter a name for your custom column. You also have the option to create a description, up to 180 characters.

If you have a complex scale you are building, it would be helpful to include this information in the description.

Create a new custom column from scratch in Google Ads.Image credit: Screenshot taken by the author, April 2022

If you’re new to creating custom columns, Google gives you different formula ideas to get you started. These are on the right side of the screenshot above.


With custom columns, you are no longer limited to traditional Google Ads options.

Custom columns give you the freedom and flexibility to monitor and report on the metrics that make the most sense for your company.

Custom columns are also a good way to organize your campaigns, ad groups, and keywords based on your column entries.

Have you used custom columns yet? How do you benefit from it? We’d love to hear!

Source: Google Ads Help

Featured image: Menara Grafis/Shutterstock

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