Microsoft Advertising Launches Open Beta for Credit Card Ads

Microsoft Advertising has announced an open beta for a new ad unit called Credit Card Ads. Credit card ads are available to advertisers targeting the United States and Canada.

What are credit card ads?

Credit card ads are feed-based ads that are dynamically generated. Ads are generated from feeds only – they are not triggered by keywords or site content.

Credit card ad feeds include things like card issuer, cashback percentages, rewards, annual fees, and sign-up bonuses. Microsoft suggests including as much detail as possible in ads, as more detail in feeds can correlate with more detail in ads.

Where do credit card ads appear?

Credit card ads are available on the right bar of the Bing SERP, along with text ads. While advertisers don’t enter keywords, Microsoft has shared some types of queries credit card ads will appear for, including: brand name, card category, credit level, and more.

Microsoft notes that the credit card ad auction is separate from the text ad auction. Advertisers can take advantage of both the credit card ad auction and also participate in the text ad auction with regular search campaigns, which means there is a chance that ads will be shown in the text ad block and credit card block in the same auction.

Early results with credit card ads

Microsoft Advertising shared that their early testing showed increased conversions and lower CPA. It was shared that a customer in a credit card advertising journey has seen a 46% increase in conversion rate to date. They also report that advertisers have seen a 70% decrease in CPA.

Getting started with credit card ads

To sign up for the credit card advertising open beta, you must first either contact a Microsoft Advertising representative or contact a Microsoft Advertising representative Use this link to sign up.

Once you’re in the beta, you’ll need to submit a feed. A comprehensive feed with rich attributes such as image URLs and contextual keywords is critical to your success with credit card ads. It is recommended to use feed scheduling to keep feed data up to date.

For more details on the rest of the setup, visit Credit card ads Help page.

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