How Newsletter Sponsorships Can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

This post has been sponsored by Paved. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the sponsor.

Online advertising is one of the most popular and effective ways to increase brand awareness, traffic to your site, and overall revenue.

However, despite the increase in popularity, the pool of potential customers online is starting to shrink.

Paid social networks have become saturated with competitors, which makes it difficult to make profitable gains.

Consumers are starting to use ad blockers to reduce schedule clutter, while others are moving away from social media altogether.

Fortunately, there is a new way to get around ad blockers and get in front of highly qualified leads – sponsored newsletter ads.

Sponsored newsletter ads can help Reach millions of people at the right time throughout the customer journey.

What is newsletter sponsorship?

Newsletter sponsorships are paid advertisements placed in existing, high-performing, high-engagement, and active newsletters or mailing lists.

By contacting verified email publications that have a large subscriber base, proven open rates, and high click-through rates, you can be sure that you will reach millions of qualified candidates with a single newsletter ad or newsletter sponsorship.

What is the benefit of newsletter sponsorship?

When you sponsor a newsletter related to your product, you get an opportunity to do so Send your message directly to an existing eligible community.

Think of newsletters as podcasts, and think of newsletter sponsorships as podcast sponsorships.

In a podcast sponsorship, the host delivers the sponsor’s vetted message directly to their existing community. Avid podcast listeners will likely be interested in the ad’s contents.

In newsletter sponsorship, the owner of the email post delivers your message directly to your subscribed email list.

Since you have chosen a relevant company to partner with, these recipients will likely be interested in your ad.

Screenshot of Morning Brew’s daily newsletter, November 2021

How sponsored newsletter ads outperform social media ads

Social media is an essential component of many companies’ marketing strategies.

In fact, Facebook’s May 2020 State of Small Business report revealed just that 160 million Companies use tech company social media apps every month.

Features such as customer analysis and targeted advertising have increasingly enabled small businesses to compete with incumbents, making social media advertising the best option for new brands.

However, increasing users also increases challenges that make it more difficult to attract qualified leads.

Paid social media challenges

Despite its popularity, social media ads are not a perfect solution.

The major disadvantages of social media advertising, from the growing popularity of ad blockers to ad blindness and lack of trust in social media, make it difficult for businesses to see a high return on investment.

Ad blockers

As marketers, we love good ads. However, most consumers do not share our passion.

In fact, many hate ads so much that they would literally pay to avoid them.

severely 42.7% of netizens reported using Ad blockersAccording to Hootsuite’s 2021 report.

the problem:

  • You can allocate your time and budget to create an engaging Facebook campaign, and it might get blocked by at least half of your target audience.

Advertising blindness

Have you ever run a social media campaign that reported a lot of impressions but almost no engagement?

There is a reason for that – ad blindness.

Advertising blindness refers to the phenomenon in which consumers tune in to information that resembles banners.

This often happens unconsciously as users aim to avoid distractions.

the problem:

  • On a subconscious level, many users pick up on patterns to identify which posts are ads. Then, as you browse, they will automatically scroll to previous marketing posts in their feed.


59% of consumers expect social media news to be wildly inaccurate, as found in a 2020 study from the Pew Research Center.

Continuous misinformation and privacy issues on social media platforms have made consumers lose faith in these digital spaces.

the problem:

  • Many consumers may treat social media advertising with a degree of skepticism.

How does newsletter sponsorship solve these problems?

Newsletter Sponsorship It’s like social media advertising, but better – it’s digital, highly targeted, and effective at any stage of the customer journey.

However, newsletter sponsorships, like newsletter ads, make up for areas where social media advertising falls short.

They provide a more personalized and trustworthy alternative, excelling in direct access, convenience, and reliability.

direct access

Newsletter ads cannot be blocked by ad blockers.

Moreover, it is delivered directly to the target audience’s inbox.

Whether you’re running a personalized email sponsorship or a small placement in an existing newsletter, your audience is more likely to engage with your brand directly.

By launching a newsletter sponsorship campaign, you will have a greater chance of capturing the attention of your potential customers.


Newsletter subscribers are an enthusiastic bunch. After all, who else would like to receive a newsletter on the same topic on a daily or weekly basis?

When you manage a newsletter sponsorship, you can reach your target audience exactly where they are located.

Does your target audience consist of travel enthusiasts looking for deals on flights and hotels? If so, you can sponsor a Zoom cake the news.

Are you advertising a product that helps clients unwind before a nighttime routine? partner with Sleep world To reach subscribers looking to get a better night’s sleep.

Whatever your niche, you’ll likely find a newsletter community that fits.

By identifying common interests among your target audience, you can get your brand in front of more engaged readers.

You’ll reach more qualified prospects, and they’ll get valuable deals or product recommendations – it’s a win-win scenario.


It’s no secret that newsletters have a huge advantage over other media channels when it comes to consumer confidence.

A Mantis Research survey found just that 60% of adults subscribe to at least one email newsletter, while online-only media have only a 55% trust rating among consumers.

When you run sponsorships for a newsletter, it is as if the publisher is personally recommending your brand to their readers.

Instead of appearing as a random, standalone ad, you’ll be able to borrow the trust the newsletter has built with its audience.

How you can reach millions of people with one newsletter ad

Launching a newsletter sponsorship campaign is similar to developing any marketing plan.

To create a newsletter sponsorship campaign, you must:

  • Set your goals.
  • Choose your partner(s).
  • Design your creations.
  • Analyze your ad performance.

1. Define your goals

Having a goal in mind is crucial to building a successful campaign. Start thinking about what you want to achieve from this.

Do you want to raise awareness? Drive traffic to your blog? Gain qualified leads?

Once you have an idea, define clear parameters and KPIs. How much traffic do you want to drive? How many leads do you want to acquire?

Build your goal using the acronym SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

2. Partnership with high performing companies

Choose the right partner to run a successful sponsorship campaign with. When examining a company to work with, focus on three key areas:

  • Values: Pay attention to ad value through metrics such as cost-per-click (CPC).
  • Prestige: Get the most qualified leads by making sure you place your ad in front of people whose interests match your target audience. Search for a post in the same field or a post directly adjacent to it.
  • Demographics: Finally, you’ll want to make sure your reader demographics match your target audience.

To gather the information you need, you can request a media kit from each of your potential partners as you conduct your research.

Alternatively, you can use a directory like smooth market To search for newsletters by category and to find performance statistics and pricing information.

3. Design your ad creative

Your design guidelines may vary depending on the sponsored newsletter.

Some will offer a range of options depending on your price point, from a single block of text to a personalized email.

4. Analyze your ad performance

Once you start the file Newsletter SponsorshipYou’ll want to track your results.

Monitor metrics like openings and clicks in order to gauge your engagement.

You can also calculate your CPA by combining your co-sponsorship metrics with your landing page’s conversion rate.

The Paved platform simplifies this step by tracking your performance metrics once your sponsorship is launched. This way, advertisers can check their results in real time without eavesdropping on the publisher.

Start your campaign easily – join our sponsored newsletter marketplace

You can register as an advertiser paved To launch your newsletter sponsorship campaign.

Image credits

Featured image: Paved image. Used with permission.

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