5 Common Check Engine Light Causes in a Chevy Silverado—According to a Mechanic

Chevrolet and GMC Sierra vehicles have earned a reputation as reliable trucks with relatively low maintenance costs. If your General Motors pickup truck has a check engine light, you’ll be happy to hear that the most common causes are relatively cheap repairs. But feel free to fix it; A check engine light for something so simple could be masking serious problems with your Chevrolet Silverado in the future.

Fuel injector stuck

2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 | general motors

Compiling all of the owner’s complaints about the Chevy Silverado, the site found that the most common reason for a check engine is because the fuel injector is stuck shut. In total, 73 owners reported spotting this issue. As far as we know, it’s hit trucks from 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, and 2014-17. When injectors foul, they do so over an average of 64,458 miles. This is, unfortunately, the most expensive issue on this list; It can cost you $900+ to replace your Silverado injectors.


The gas cap does not seal

A red GMC Sierra 1500 driving on a dirt road.
2009 GMC Sierra 1500 | general motors

The second one near the stuck fuel injector is much cheaper to fix: the loose gas cap. If your Chevy Silverado’s gas filler cap is worn out or even loose, it will not be able to operate properly, and your check engine light will come on. So try to tighten it and restart your truck. If your check engine light was for vapor recovery and that cap is still loose, you may have to pick up a new one. Overall, 67 Silverado owners reported a worn gas cap that caused the check engine light to come on.

Restricted air injection check valve

Black Chevrolet Silverado with ladder rack.
2009 Chevrolet Silverado | general motors

Silverado is equipped with two air injection check valves. When they wear out, they partially stick, starving your engine of air, and causing the check engine light to come on. Fifty-eight owners of 1999-2008 Chevy Silverados have reported this check engine light cause, as early as 26,000 miles. But on average, these valves are not reported to be malfunctioning until 133,319 miles. You’ll be glad to hear that you can exchange them for $88-$111.

One throttle body sensor defective

The leather and wood interior of the 2010 Chevrolet Silverado.
2010 Chevrolet Silverado | general motors

The mechanics at 1A Auto have compiled their own list of the top versions of the Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra pickup trucks, with an eye on the 2007-14 generation. This listing includes a check engine light with code P2135 caused by a faulty valve sensor in the throttle body of the Chevy Silverado. Fortunately, this component is located at the top of the engine and should be quick for you or your mechanic to swap it out.

Sensitive, enthusiastic ways

A red Chevrolet Silverado parked in front of the mountains.
2011 Chevrolet Silverado | general motors

The second common check engine light that was covered was a “misfire” code actually caused by a knock sensor malfunction. Knock sensors are located at the bottom of the Chevy Silverado engine and detect vibrations caused by misfires. If they are not rusting out of place, they are also quick and easy to replace with just a truck lift.

Check engine lights for serious business

The back of a gray Chevrolet Silverado parked at a sand pit site.
2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 | general motors

If you own a Chevrolet Silverado, you’re in luck because the most common reasons for check engine lights aren’t incredibly expensive repairs–except for the occasional plugged injector. However, Silverado V8 engines are prone to low oil pressure and even oil burn if the PCV valve fails. If left unchecked, this problem could lead to a dangerous check engine light. So if you see this Check Engine Code, check exactly what code you have. Then fix it so you don’t miss problems in the future.

Next, read or watch the top Silverado 1A problems in the video below:

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