1 of the Market’s Best Pickup Trucks Shows New Trend Taking Off

Trends run through the pickup world like water through a tin horn. While many trends are constantly swirling around the truck market, one seems to dominate the rest. Hybrid and electric powertrains are clearly where automakers think we’re headed. Every other new car either has a hybrid version or has been rebuilt to run on battery power alone. The critical success of the 2023 Ford Maverick Hybrid represents one of the best pickup trucks on the market and points directly to this rapidly growing trend.

Ford Maverick XL | stronghold


While this can be difficult to prove conclusively, and many critics will have their own view, many auto reviewers believe it is one of, if not the best, pickup trucks on the market right now.

. value? check.

The Ford Maverick also comes standard with a hybrid powertrain. The pickup’s power comes from a 2.5-liter four-cylinder hybrid engine that produces 191 horsepower. This is the main feature that is catching on like wildfire in Truck World. For the entirety of automotive history, our pickups have typically been less fuel efficient. It’s not overly aerodynamic, it uses big-torque motors, and it was meant for running, not driving long distances. Because of these factors, trucks really didn’t need to be overly fuel efficient. However, times have changed. Nowadays, many Americans use a pickup truck as their daily driver. This means that efficiency is last on the list of pickup truck needs.

This trend in efficiency is evident in hybrid power plants not only being common in the truck segment but possibly approaching expected. Hybrid and all-electric trucks are taking up space, and it’s about time.

What attracts a lot of truck buyers about the Ford Maverick is that it is the cheapest pickup truck on the market and continues to be the hottest trend in the modern truck industry. The Ford Maverick Hybrid is a very strong competitor. Sure, there are plenty of bigger, stronger, faster, and nicer pickup trucks out there. However, none of them offer as many trucks for so little money as the Maverick.

While the hybrid and electric trend is a welcome addition to the truck segment, it would be even cooler if value was the next hot trend.

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