New Apple Ads Spot Available To Advertisers In Q4
Apple is said to unveil new ad placements before the end of this year.
New locations open up additional advertising opportunities just in time for the holiday season when competition is at its peak.
Currently, Apple’s ad inventory is only available on Apple’s search results page and the Search tab.
Apple first reached out to developers to announce the expansion of ad placements across the App Store.
Where to expect new placements
Although Apple didn’t include this information directly in the invitation to developers, there’s a good chance that Apple will include ad units in the App Store’s Today tab.
There is also discussion that ad units will be available directly within the app product pagesHowever, this has not yet been confirmed.
Eric Suffert, Founder, Mobile Dev Memo, chirp His exclusive invitation to the conversation on Sept. 13:
Apple announced the expansion of the App Store listing back in July, so the Today tab is a likely contender in the position expansion.
Apple is holding its virtual event for developers on September 21st, where more details are likely to be revealed.
Who can advertise on Apple Search?
Advertising requirements on Apple Search have not changed with the expected inventory expansion.
Currently, companies must have an approved App Store product page to advertise on Apple Search.
Looming marketing attribution challenges
In the midst of Apple’s ad placement expansion, it will be difficult for advertisers to measure success.
Apple previously introduced App Tracking Transparency (ATT) to protect user privacy. With this feature, users can turn off personalized ads on the App Store.
In addition, Apple does not allow advertisers to target users with account information or previous purchase history, which leaves targeting options limited.
As of March 2022, user subscription is for ATT only 46%. This means that more than half of user activity and measurement capabilities cannot be captured by marketers.
ATT’s subscription rate varies by app category, with gaming categories appearing on the lower end of subscription rates.
So while advertisers have a higher chance of scaling, it can be difficult to prove the effectiveness of Apple’s search ads.
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