Digital Marketing

How To Find & Understand Conversion Rates Of Your Amazon Products

With competition increasing over the past few years, it has become increasingly important to test creativity on product detail pages to increase conversions for your products on Amazon.

This test requires an understanding of how Amazon calculates conversion rates and where to find the data.

Amazon provides several ways to monitor the conversion rate of your listings. Monitoring your conversion rate on Amazon can help you:

  • Determine de-index events.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your ad targeting.
  • Check out the list of changes the conversion has improved.

Tracking your conversion rate helps you better understand how changes you’ve made to your listing – or changes in your market – will affect your sale rate.

While Amazon looks like one cohesive marketplace on the outside, it’s made of much smaller platforms on the back end.

Depending on the type of physical product you’re selling, your list may include:

  • Amazon Seller Center.
  • Amazon Seller Center.
  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
  • Merch from Amazon.
  • Handmade amazon.

Amazon provides conversion rate data on a few of its selling platforms.

It is currently not possible to get an exact conversion rate from a product that you are not currently selling on Amazon.

Are there third-party tools I can use to find my conversion rate?

There are many tools on the market that provide sales volume estimators.

These tools generally look at the sales ranking of an item along with the product category.

The tools then estimate how much the product sells for based on the sales estimate for that label and subcategory.

Often, these tools can be turned off by incredibly high margins.

In this article, you will learn how to find your conversion rate on some of the popular platforms for sellers on Amazon.

We’ll share instructions on which platforms to find conversion rates on and where to locate the data.

Find your conversion rate on Seller Central

If you’re selling your product on Amazon Seller Central, getting your conversion rate right is quick and easy.

To find your conversion rate, log into your Seller Central account.

After that, go to the top menu bar to Reports > Business Reports > Detailed page sales and traffic reports by sub-item.

(If you want to look at all the different variations (size, color, flavor) together, you can also go to Reports > Business Reports > Detailed page sales and traffic reports by asset)

Screenshot from; Edited by the author July 2022

In this downloadable report, you can discover a lot of valuable information about your product’s traffic and sales on Amazon.

Below is a list of the information available in this report and what it tells you about your products.

Understand the detailed page sales and traffic report

The detailed Page Sales and Traffic report provides valuable information on traffic, buy box percentage, and Amazon Business sales.

Here is more about some of the data points provided in this report.

Detailed page sales and traffic report is date range report; Select the period you want to measure. The default report is the period of the last 30 days.

In the following definition, the statements related to quotations come directly from Amazon descriptions for each report field.

Determine your unit session percentage on AmazonScreenshot from; Edited by the author July 2022


“Sessions are visits a user makes to your pages on All activity within a 24-hour period counts as a session.”

If a customer comes to your product detail page, then goes to review another product, and finally comes back to your product, i.e. One session f two Pageviews for your product detail page.

Pageviews and sessions are world numbers. Even if we run out of stock, you’ll still see the total number of pageviews and sessions on this product detail page.

page views

“The effectiveness of your presence on for the specified period of time.”

Pageviews as shown: It measures the number of pageviews this product had during the date range you specified for the report.

purchase fund ratio

“This is the percentage of pageviews where a purchase box (“Add to Cart” link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart.”

Understanding the buy fund ratio is vital to running ads or diagnosing sell rate issues.

For Sponsored Products ads, your product must have a buy box in order for your ads to appear.

It’s possible to get a 0% Buy Box discount even as the sole seller if you have a pent-up Buy Box due to pricing issues or a Brand Health Alert.

Brand health alerts generally mean that Amazon has found your item for a lower price on a large website such as Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Target, etc.

Unit session percentage

“The percentage conversion metric indicates the number of units purchased relative to the number of people who viewed the products.”

Unit session percentage is the conversion rate for this product.

You can pull back this report to check if the changes you made to the list helped your conversion rate over time.

Find your conversion rate on Vendor Central

Previously, you needed ARA Premium to find your conversion rate. However, that has changed.

Finding your conversion rate on Vendor Central is as easy as finding your conversion rate on Seller Central.

At Vendor Central, you’ll go to Reports, analytics, and then traffic diagnostics.

Find your conversion rate on Vendor CentralScreenshot from, Jul 2022

In addition, the Traffic Diagnostics report gives you a comparison of your conversion rate against previous timeframes.

Here you can see the change in total conversions for a date range, or you can view the change in conversion rate by ASIN.

This report allows you to track changes in the conversion of your products over time. You can select the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual report range.

Find your conversion rate on other Amazon platforms

Same page display and conversion data on Seller Central and Vendor Central are not available for the KDP platform. The KDP platform hosts Kindle books and CreateSpace on Amazon or Merch by Amazon, which offers print-on-demand T-shirts and similar merchandise.

If you’re an author looking to better understand conversion rates, you have a few more options.

Benny C SanseveriCEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc. , explained:

“The most basic and obvious way to check sales is, of course, book sales. But there is also your Amazon bestseller status/rank within Amazon in general, and within each specific genre/category you appear in. This is a good way to see a spike in sales and/or readings the page.

But keep in mind that the higher your sales rank, the less often your rank will update. This means that if your sales rank is 475,000, your rank will only be updated once or twice per day; If you are at 27,000, it is updated every hour.

Therefore, the lower your number, the more frequently you will see movement.”

Another option (if you have a physical book listed on the Amazon KDP platform) is to open a Seller Central account and add the physical book to your Seller Central inventory.

You will then be able to access a detailed Page Sales and Traffic report, Page Views and Sessions for the Product Page.

You can then manually calculate your conversion rate by taking the number of sessions divided by the number of units you sold during that period.

If you sell on Merch by Amazon, there is currently no way to access the data to calculate your conversion rate.

What is a good conversion rate on Amazon?

The next logical consideration after knowing how to locate the conversion rate for your products on Amazon is to want to benchmark your product’s performance against a benchmark or benchmark.

When looking at conversion rates for products on Amazon, one of the most important factors is competitiveness.

For example, we expect a mobile phone case to have a much lower conversion rate than any more specialized product.

Sometimes, an artificially high conversion or unit session percentage can indicate a problem with traffic.

We had a client who came to us to help with Amazon sales. They are not getting the sales they need on the platform.

When we looked at their unit session percentage, it was over 80%. However, the traffic they were getting for that list was less than 400 visitors per week.

Upon further investigation, we found that their listings are only indexed for their brand name.

By re-optimizing their listings and starting to advertise on Amazon, we were quickly able to generate a sharp increase in traffic and sales, although this did lower the unit session percentage rate on their product.

Consider the % unit session in your Amazon ad

Previously, the benchmark for a good % unit session or conversion rate was around 20%.

In March 2020, there was a sudden drop in conversion rates across almost all sectors and products.

Amazon said this was because mobile data was added to conversion rates. For most products, conversion rates have been cut roughly in half.

After this change, I would recommend that you aim for 7-15%.

If you have brand affinity around your products, meaning people are looking for your brand or product name to find you, we’d like to see around 12-15% as a baseline.

We run multiple accounts with an average of over 20% with a high sales speed. These brands tend to have loyal repeat customers and a strong brand affinity.

If you’re a private brand with no brand affinity, a unit session of 7% or more is what we’d consider good in most categories.

If your conversion is less than this, we recommend first seeing if you can increase your conversion percentage.

You can start by looking into re-optimizing your Amazon product detail page.

If this isn’t possible, you’ll want to make sure that you adjust as you optimize your bids for Amazon.

Conversion data can affect the entire sales cycle

Your product conversion rate on Amazon can affect your sales cycle, organic ranking, and how your ads appear.

Use your conversion rate to monitor how changes in your product listings will affect your sales and new competition in your market.

Next, apply your conversion data to benchmark product and market changes.

This data will help you optimize your listing for better sales and results from your product ad.

More resources:

  • Amazon SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for Sellers
  • Career-building tips from a Senior Data Scientist at Amazon
  • Ecommerce Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

Featured image: David Gyung/Shutterstock

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