Are Relevance, Distance, & Prominence Google Ranking Factors?

Local businesses that want more traffic from search should improve their local rankings.

But can relevance, distance, and relevance affect your organic search rankings?

Read on to see if there is any connection between fame, distance, relevancy, and improving Google rankings.

Claim: Relevance, distance, and popularity are the ranking factors

What is the relevance, distance and reputation of a local business?

Relevance Determines how closely a search user’s query matches information about a local company.

While Google can pull information from around the web, the best way to ensure relevance is with a completed Google My Business listing.

Think about the keywords you’ve optimized your website for – these keywords for products and services should appear on your GMB list.

Distance: after Determines how close a search user is to local businesses based on the user’s browser information.

The closer a search user is to a local business, the more likely the business is to appear in local maps results.

The exception is if another local business is a better match for the search query’s relevance.

You may be more visible in search results than closer, less relevant companies.

the fame Determines how popular a local offline business is.

“For example, famous museums, featured hotels, or well-known store brands are also likely to be prominent in local search results.”

Evidence for suitability, distance and popularity as ranking factors

in Google My Business Help CenterSpecifically, Google says:

Local results are based primarily on relevance, distance, and popularity. A combination of these factors help us find the best match for your search. For example, our algorithms may decide that a business away from your location is more likely to have what you’re looking for than one commercial closer, and thus ranks it higher in the local results.”

To optimize each of these factors for your business, Google suggests that you complete your business details on Google My Business.

These details help Google determine the relevance of your business to the user’s search query and the distance from the user.

To achieve fame, “More positive reviews and ratings can improve your business’s local ranking.”

in 2018Moz released their study of the most important ranking factors.

The top three mentions were from Google My Business, links, and reviews.

This aligns with Google’s recommendations to update your Google My Business profile and get more reviews.

Relevance, distance, and popularity as ranking factors: our judgment

Popularity, distance and relevance confirmed by Google via the Google My Business Help Center.

In addition to entering your complete business details into Google My Business, Google also suggests the following to increase your visibility in local search results.

  • Check out each of your business websites To increase the likelihood that your business will be close to the right search users.
  • Stay Opening hours to date And accurate.
  • Manage and respond to all reviewspositive and negative.
  • Add photos that showcase your workproducts and services.

For better visibility, focus on increasing mentions of your business within and outside your local community.

The more times Google sees mentions, positive ratings and reviews of your business, the more likely it is that you will appear on Google.

Also, be sure to read our chapter on local citations and NAPs (name, address, and phone number).

Featured Image: Paolo Bobetta/Search Engine Magazine

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