Google Ads Enables Custom Conversion Values For Store Visits

Businesses using Google Ads to drive store visits now have more control over Smart Bidding with the ability to set custom conversion value rules.

Conversion value rules allow companies to set a conversion objective value.

Smart Bidding optimizes spending around company-defined values.

If you’d like to bid higher for ads designed to bring physical store sales to a physical location, you can now do so.

Prior to this update, Google Ads applied conversion value rules equally to all conversion actions.

In addition to setting specific conversion values ​​for store visits and sales, you can define values ​​at the campaign level.

If you’re running multiple store visits campaigns, you can set a higher value for one of the other campaigns.

Google provides the following example in a blog post:

“For example, you can set default values ​​for store visit or store sales at the campaign level: you can set the store visit value to $100 for campaigns promoting big ticket items and $10 for campaigns promoting low price or low margin products.”

Image credit: Screenshot from, September 2022

Google notes that it’s rolling out this feature just in time for the holiday season when businesses experience volatile in-store sales.

This is the perfect time to take advantage of the ability to set conversion value rules for offline versus online sales.

In addition, you can set rules for store visits or sales on terms Geographical locationAnd massesor hardware.

Google provides another example:

“…If you consider store visits from your loyalty program audience to be more valuable, you can create an audience value rule that says “If a user is in a loyalty program audience, multiply the value of the store visit by 2.”

The ability to adjust values ​​by location or device means you can increase the value of store visits for customers in New York versus customers in other regions, for example.

You can set conversion value rules by logging into your Google Ads account and navigating to your Google Ads account measurement > Transfers > value rules.

Then press Create a conversion value rule Fill in the required information.

Source: Google Ads Help
Featured image: Rido/Shutterstock

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