Why Content Marketing For Law Firms Doesn’t Have To Be Boring
Content differentiation is essential to any business’ strategy for acquiring new customers and building brand authority.
The tricky part is that creating interesting and engaging content for fields in a more serious line of work can be challenging.
But figuring out the best way to resonate and inspire potential clients to reach out doesn’t need to be a daunting process.
Instead, you can take a few simple steps to improve your content marketing strategy.
It’s time for content marketers to reinvent the way they view creating “boring” niche content.
Rethink content marketing for a “boring” niche
Content marketing offers many opportunities to think outside the box and interact with your target audience.
While many aspects of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) can be very technical, web content provides space to get creative and speak to your audience on a deeper level.
Unfortunately, this is a missed opportunity for many marketers who aim to focus on the technical gains of content marketing.
In other words, sometimes they miss the point: that content is meant to reach and engage with your customer’s audience.
The ultimate goal is to help your client make more money by creating content that brings people back to their website and gets them to contact the law firm.
The stereotype is that “boring” niche marketing often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Marketers expect “boring,” so they produce “boring.” This does not serve your business or your clients well.
Now is the time for marketers and SEO professionals to shift their perspectives on content marketing to legal businesses and open their eyes to how creative content can help their clients.
[Download:] The Complete Guide to Content Marketing for Law Firms
Marketing legal content for relational (and technical) gains
If you go into content marketing and think only of the technical benefits, you will only see one piece of the puzzle.
High-quality, creative, original, and conversion-friendly content opens the door to links and rankings and can serve your customers in many other (arguably more important) ways.
Effective content marketing can:
- Position your client as an authority in their field.
- And increase brand awareness.
- Generate leads.
- Driving traffic and turning.
- Encourage partnerships with other brands.
- Safe speaking interactions and networking opportunities.
- Run free publicity.
- Improve their presence on social media.
- Define a new market.
Realizing these possibilities frames content marketing in a new and dependable way.
Moreover, it opens up opportunities that marketers may have initially blinded in their strategy.
Exceed the usual KPIs
Content marketing is not just about the algorithm. Instead, it’s about forming new relationships (professional, technical, or otherwise) with your clients.
This could mean creating content that:
- It speaks directly to your customer’s audience, which increases brand loyalty.
- It secures a place for them at a prominent speaking event.
- It opens up a new market for them in a normally crowded place.
Focusing on KPIs will only get you so far. Instead, think outside the usual framework of content marketing, and you’ll benefit from the creativity that shapes relationship-designed content And technical gains.
3 ways to be creative in legal content marketing
No more boring blog posts. There are many creative ways to increase brand awareness, create links and get more opportunities for your legitimate clients.
Here are three creative strategies for creating original, conversion-happy content for law firms.
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1. Solicit every step of the customer journey
Know your audience. Instead of casting a wide net when creating content, the best route is to create pieces that relate to each step of the customer journey.
It is crucial to research the demographics of their existing customer base and followers among their online platforms and listings.
Segmenting demographics, looking at reviews, and finding content that was performing high can provide insight into how you address customers at every step of the customer journey.
The customer journey consists of several stages: discovery, nurturing, purchase and retention. The approach you use to your content will differ for each stage.
Ideally, you’ll create content that resonates with your client’s audience every step of the way.
discovery stage
Otherwise known as the “information gathering” stage, in this stage potential customers notice what catches their eye and actively seek out more information.
This can be an opportunity to create engaging, thought-provoking or emotional content.
This content should meet the user’s intent and encourage attention.
For example, if your client practices family law, you might want to create content like “3 Ways to Tell Your Partner Is Considering Divorce” or “To Adopt or Not to Adopt: 3 Families Share Their Stories.”
These examples are eye-catching and relevant to the specialist but don’t overwhelm the reader with too much information in the headline.
In other words, it lets them know that you understand their struggles and can speak their language.
Then, this content can be circulated in advertisements, social media, or online forums to be shown to the right people.
upbringing stage
People in the sponsorship phase have already interacted with your customer’s brand in some way but may not be ready to make a purchase.
Maybe it’s not the right time, the budget just isn’t there, or they need more information.
This reveals more opportunities for participation.
This is an excellent time to conduct market research to determine what your customer audience is experiencing the most and what are critical factors in the buying process.
Often times, you will have to contact these people via an email list or lead builder. You can choose to run your remarketing ad or email campaign.
Create content that nurtures their sense of connection with the brand.
Addressing concerns about cost, reliability, expertise, or any other concerns you discover in your research through the content you produce can have a lasting impact.
purchase stage
Your yarn is up for grabs, so how do you get it there? It may take a little convincing.
This is where marketers in general lie in the magic — and by magic, I mean a call to action. Think about the next step a potential customer should take.
For example, include internal links that they can click on to go to your service or contact pages. It is also important that your client is available to take questions at this time as this may be the last step before committing.
You should also provide more in-depth, brand-neutral information. Testimonials or case studies make people feel like your client’s brand is the right fit for them.
You may want to post content that differentiates your customer from their competitors. You can do this by strategically posting as a guest on:
- Good site blog posts on other sites.
- Facebook groups.
- forums.
- Other places where potential customers may interact with the brand.
retention stage
So your legal client has closed on a new client – now what?
In the legal field, it may look as if the attorney-client relationship has come to an end.
However, there is always the possibility that this client may need help with legal issues in the future – or they could refer a friend or relative their way.
These contacts must be available via an email list or CMS for a contact to proceed. This way, they can send content that maintains brand awareness and loyalty to their customers.
One option is to send an email once the post has finished.
This could be to thank them for their business, to ask for a review, and to get them to follow your customer on social media. Then, you can run an ongoing email campaign of legal advice, events, promotions, and more.
[Recommended Read:] A guide to content marketing for law firms
2. Create relevant content at the right time
We’ve all seen the trending articles and “click baits” on social media.
As annoying as it may sound, there is a lesson to be learned that can be applied to content marketing.
Users like content that is catchy, that inspires an emotional response, or that is controversial.
They also like to stay on top of what’s going on, and by creating engaging content at the right time, you can achieve this without creating clickbait. Here’s how:
Stay on top of the trends
The best way to get content in front of the right eyes is to create timely and relevant content.
Is there a current event making the rounds on social media? Present the lawyer’s view of the case.
Celebrities going through a divorce? Identify the top 10 benefits of having a prenup.
By creating timely content or responding to current trends, you can be confident about creating a quick and shareable trade.
Content with a human element You will ensure that it resonates with the audience and inspires them to participate.
The right content will get them to click, think and share. Or call your customer.
3. Exchange of applied knowledge versus negative knowledge
The way users interact with content is constantly changing.
People are increasingly looking for content that entertains them, makes them think, or makes them feel warm and fuzzy.
Legal standing is particularly guilty of creating negative content to inform their audience about a topic. While this can be good for SEO, it’s not particularly good for conversions.
Content creation varies based on applied knowledge. usually:
- Inspires.
- Know.
- understand.
- helps.
For example, a blog post titled “3 Things That Happen When You Get a DUI” serves to inform.
However, the best piece of content that inspires users to convert might be “Got A DUI? Here’s what you need to know.”
This content may explain what a user should do for a DUI case, such as hiring a lawyer or tips for overcoming DUI embarrassment.
Such pieces can help achieve several goals at once. This can encourage potential clients to trust the law firm and see them as sympathetic while informing them of the steps they need to take.
power in their hands
This type of content is excellent for focusing on a specific audience rather than just satisfying the search queries of those looking for more information about DUIs.
There is also the possibility to incorporate interesting widgets, charts and graphs to increase engagement. Incorporating visually appealing graphics can help segment the content and better engage the reader.
The important thing here is not to overwhelm your readers with too much information at once. If you find that a piece contains a lot of information, feel free to break it down into a series of posts.
When you provide practical knowledge, you give your readers autonomy and put the freedom of choice in their hands.
In addition, they will trust you as an expert because you provide valuable information but won’t feel pressured by a hard sell.
To dive deeper into content marketing for law firms, Download the complete guide!
The final takeaway
Law firms can gain a lot from content marketing, such as attracting new clients, getting more website traffic, and building themselves as a legal advice authority in their communities.
By thinking about the customer journey and turning to creating content that will resonate with their target audience, content marketers can change the way legal businesses interact with customers.
Producing interesting, high-quality, well-thought-out content will help businesses achieve their goals and create valuable pieces to promote across multiple platforms.
When marketers navigate to topics and content at the right time that people can relate to, they will see better results that will interest people and help their presence in SEO.
More resources:
- 12 proven tactics for law firm content marketing success
- 5 reasons law firms need specialized legal content marketing
- Law Firm SEO: The Complete Guide
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