How to Create the Ultimate Customer-First Content Marketing Plan

A company that markets a product or service to the wrong audience may be performing a play in an empty room.

Content marketing plans that fail to align with business objectives and the exact customer account will almost always miss their targets.

So how do you create a content marketing plan that relates to your goals and what your customers need and expect?

Let’s look at the steps you need to follow in this step-by-step guide.

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1. Start with your overarching business goals

while your Content marketing strategy You must revolve around specific audiences, there is no doubt that your business must come first.

You need to make sure that your strategy is rooted in reality and has consistent goals.

First, you need to check. This means looking at where you work now. Questions may include:

  • What are your revenues and profit margins?
  • How big is your marketing budget?
  • How successful are your current marketing efforts?
  • Who are your biggest competitors?
  • How do you distinguish your business and win new customers?
  • What is your current customer retention rate?
  • What is the marketing team’s current makeup and skill sets?

Then, using your answers, you’ll be in a better position to write goals. Your goals give you direction, and enable you to set KPIs and measures. They also ensure that you can track progress while executing the strategy.

When creating goals, consider what you want your business to achieve in the short term (one to two quarters), medium (one year), and long term (five years).

Breaking down your goals in this way will help you get things done, and you’ll also keep an eye on where your business is headed in the future.

It should aim to be:

  • Ambitious but realistic.
  • Determined, yet flexible.
  • Goal oriented, yet audience centric.

2. Know your customers

Once you understand your current situation and have goals to focus on, think about who you are targeting and how you will solve their challenges with your product or service.

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