How To Get More Traffic By Fixing Keyword Cannibalizations Quickly & Effectively

This post is sponsored by DinoRANK. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the sponsor.

Google is a great source of qualified, repeat traffic for your business – that’s a fact.

Many people say that the key to SEO success is establishing yourself as a reliable source for all keywords in your industry, even niche keywords.

Unfortunately, Your competitors do the same. In some cases, you may be competing with yourself.

Everyone is creating the same content to rank high on Google. So, you need to Distinguish yourself.

Your competitors may be using the same niche keywords as you, but are they improving their domain’s SEO by cleaning up scraped content and cannibalizing keywords?

They may not be. So, this is a great way to push your website to the top of Google.

What is keyword cannibalization in SEO?

As you know, sometimes two or more URLs on the same domain may rank for the same keyword or keyword combination.

When this happens, Google does not know which piece of content will be shown on search engine results pages (SERPs).

when this URLs are competing for the same search terms, and this is called SEO cannibalization.

How clean cannibalism can instantly boost your rating

When you and your competitors rank for the same keywords, yet place you in the SERPs lower, you may have a cannibalization problem.

If your content cannibalizes itself, not only do you have to fight your competitors for a higher position — you also have to fight your own pages.

There’s enough competition out there without her in the house, right?

Site cannibalization is a detrimental factor when URLs compete with each other. They can even harm your domain authority if there are too many of them, especially if You haven’t told Google that there is a distinct difference between two similar pieces of content.

As you can see, animal cannibals have a negative impact on your domain’s SEO.

To solve the problem of cannibalism, we must first know how to find it.

How to find cannibalism on your website

There are different ways to find a breakup on your domain:

  • manual method
  • The easy way

How to search for hashed keywords by hand

There are two ways to locate content and keyword cannibalization without using a tool:

  1. Use the rank tracker or Google Search Console to see what positions your pages occupy in search results, as well as what keywords they are ranking for; Then find matching URLs for the same keywords.
  2. Manually review your site’s content To see if there are multiple pages on the same topic or with the same keywords. Next, go to Google and search for that keyword that you suspect you are cracking and check if you really do or not; This can also help you prevent it from happening.

How to locate a one-click keyword scraper

Use Dino RankYou can simply click one button and instantly see all the content that has been unpacked.

All you have to do is create a project in the tool and sync it with your Google Analytics and Google Search Console account. DinoRANK does the rest.

Screenshot from, January 2023

Find out what content is scrapped on your website now →

Now, once you’ve identified all the venue scraps affecting your website, what decision do you have to make?

What is the best way to fix cannibalism?

Once you find cannibals on your website you can Take these steps to solve the problem:

  • Join or combine two URLs into one.
  • Do a 301 redirect.
  • Shift focus to one of the two content and un-enhance or de-emphasize the word being deconstructed.
  • Put a canonical tag in one of the two URLs.
  • Remove one of the two content if you consider it to be weak content or duplicate content.

How do I choose the best method?

What analysis should you do when faced with cannibalism to perform the optimal procedure?

Let’s say you have two URLs from the same domain placed for the same keyword; 1 URL at position 5, and the other URL at position 7 on SERPs.

In this case, you must:

  1. Check out the content on both pages to see if they are on the same topic or have the same keywords. If so, they are likely competing with each other and causing cannibalism.
  2. See authority page of each page, according to the number of inbound links, link quality, site structure, etc. A page with higher authority is likely to perform better in search results.
  3. Check traffic I received each page to see which page receives more traffic, and analyze which URL responds best to the search intent of that or those keywords.
  4. Check conversion rates of each page to see which leads to more sales or conversion actions.

Once you have completed the analysis, you will have enough items to know what action to take in each disassembly.

Still not sure?

Don’t worry. Dino Rank It will show you recommendations on how to proceed, depending on the situation.

How to get more traffic by quickly fixing keyword cannibalization & # 038;  Effective wayScreenshot from, January 2023

Usually the content is merged into one of the two debunked URLs (the one with higher authority or higher traffic), and the deprecated URL should become a 301 redirect.

The effect of this fix is ​​usually positive in a very large number of cases.

Although, if both content fulfill their function (for example, one URL belongs to a product card and the other to a blog post), the better option would be to optimize or de-optimize the content as appropriate, or choose to implement a canonical tag to one of the URLs to point to Search engines are the home page.

In any case, it is important to constantly monitor the performance of the pages and make adjustments if necessary Avoid cannibalism in the future; With DinoRANK you will have this under control.

How to improve or de-optimize the content being scrapped

Search engines use algorithms to determine the relevance of a web page for a particular search query, and one way they do this is by identifying keywords that appear more frequently on a page, compared to keywords that appear on other similar pages.

Before optimizing or de-optimizing one of the two content, it is important to know all the keywords for each URL being parsed.

Next, you will need to Semantic content analysis with TF*IDF analysis.

Therefore, parsing the URL whose content you want to optimize / promote for a specific keyword using TF * IDF will allow you Understand the keywords related to this content.

How to get more traffic by quickly fixing keyword cannibalization & # 038;  Effective wayScreenshot from, January 2023

Expanding and language-enhancing content that already ranks high, cannibalization or not, is one of the best ways to gain more relevance for those terms that only got a few clicks or impressions. This is because you are now providing greater semantic richness to this content.

With DinoRANK, you can use TF*IDF analysis on already published URLs to see how to improve them.

You can also use this feature when you want to Create new content Based on a keyword or group of keywords that you want to rank for.

How to get more traffic by quickly fixing keyword cannibalization & # 038;  Effective wayScreenshot from, January 2023

DinoRANK visually arranges information, separating the graph into three filter layers: one keyword, two keywords, and three keywords.

How to get more traffic by quickly fixing keyword cannibalization & # 038;  Effective wayScreenshot from, January 2023

In addition to recommendations, you will also be able to Quickly look at the headline structure most of your direct competitors use in the top 10 of google.

In no time at all, you’ll discover opportunities and content ideas with a perfect title structure, including the relevant semantic keywords needed to rank.

If, in addition, this semantic content is complemented by some internal links To this optimized URL, and you do this with static text for the primary keyword or exact semantic keywords, you will strengthen the authority and modularity of the URL you want to promote.

With internal links, you can derive greater semantic context and strengthen the authority of that already optimized page, thanks to TF*IDF’s semantic prominence analysis.

If you want to use these features to work on the SEO of your projects in a simple yet effective way, you can Try DinoRANK.

All the SEO your website needs It can be found at DinoRANK.

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