How To Create A Content Strategy Framework

Do you have a framework for your content strategy?

In other words, is your plan planned from the ground up?

Have you answered all of the most important questions necessary to build your content strategy – and have you documented them?

For these reasons and more, it’s time to learn how to create your own content strategy framework.

What is the content strategy?

A content strategy is a plan that tells you exactly how to implement content marketing.

Your strategy is also a guide to success with content for your business.

It’s a thoughtful, research-backed plan that tells you what kind of content to create, who to create, what channels to post it on, when to post it, how to promote it, who should be doing each task and what tools to use.

Brands and marketers who write their strategies have more success than those who don’t. Specifically, planners are three times more To report success from peers who don’t plan.

If a stranger signs on to your content marketing team, ideally you can take your content strategy into their hands and they’ll understand exactly what you do, why you do it, and how to help make it happen.

7 questions for creating a content strategy framework

To build your framework, answer these basic questions.

1. Why do you create content?

Building your content strategy framework should start with revealing the “why” behind it all.

Why do you create content, and what do you hope to get out of it? What are your goals?

And don’t just say “we want more subscribers” or “we want more traffic” – that’s too generic. Be specific here.

How many subscribers? How much more traffic? from what time?

Instead of setting vague goals, set SMART goals.

The beauty of goal setting is that you can always adjust your goals along the way. As long as you keep track of your progress, you will learn very quickly if you set your sights too high, or if you underestimate what your content can do.

For example, let’s say you set a goal of increasing traffic by 50% in two months.

You’ll quickly find out if that goal is out of your reach just by tracking your progress week by week.

So adjust it: maybe it won’t be 2 months, but 6-8 months. Flexibility in your goals and plan is key.

2. Who is your audience?

Who do you hope will read your content? who will need to What content will you produce?

Often, your target audience can surprise you and challenge your assumptions about who they are. This means that you should not define your audience based on guesses or unrealistic expectations.

Find out who these people are at a basic level (job title, income, education, habits, preferences) through personalized search, interactions, polls, and social listening. Find out which channels they use to consume content.

And if you find that you have more than one type of audience that you can target? Define each audience segment with separate personas.

These are basically fact sheets full of traits, preferences, and challenges that most members of your audience share.

3. What will you be creating content about? In what formats?

Next, decide which content topics you will focus on and the formulas you will use to obtain that information.

Choosing one or two overarching areas of focus for your content topic will give your content coherence and relevance for two things:

  • What your brand sells (your expertise).
  • What your audience wants to see.

The intersection of these two areas is your content.

For example, if you sell photography services, you can post content about photography tips and tricks, inspiration sessions, and tips for getting the best family photos.

When deciding which formats to create, consider your resources and how your audience prefers to consume content.

Some types of content you might consider:

  • videos.
  • Blog articles.
  • Social media content (such as LinkedIn polls, Instagram carousels, TikTok videos).
  • Email newsletters.
  • Podcasts.

Even if you just choose to create a blog, there are unlimited choices of content formats you can post there, such as guides, checklists, infographics, stories, lists, and more.

4. Where will you post the content?

when and where You post important content just as important what you post.

Don’t choose your channels based on preference or whims. Instead, make this decision based on where your audience is located.

Do they devour video content on YouTube? Do they love listening to podcasts while they’re on the go or while you’re making dinner? Or maybe they are dedicated to reading blog posts every morning with their coffee?

Likewise, when knowing when to publish content and How many timesLook at your audience’s habits and preferences. When are they online? When are they on social media? When are they most likely to see your posts?

Whatever you do, always make sure your website is your home. Each content channel can link to your website and send readers and visitors to it strategically.

Ultimately, your website is the internet real estate that you own and have the most control over. Make it the focus of your content to build continuity and authority online.

5. How will your content be promoted?

Content promotion is equally important for content publishing.

Promoting your content is often the only way people will see you until you build your brand presence.

So, make a promotion plan.

Pick a main promotion channel (again, based on your audience) and keep it simple.

Share a link to your new blog post when it’s live, whether you’re posting to Facebook or emailing your subscribers.

6. How will you track and measure your results?

In the process of implementing content marketing, you need to be able to understand how your content is performing so that you can adjust your strategy as necessary.

If what you’re doing is working, you can step it up.

If so Not work, you will need to pivot and adjust your approach.

This is why, to understand the performance of your content, you need to set specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and decide how to track them.

For example, if you set a goal of getting more traffic in a specific time, you will need to track a KPI for that goal such as unique website visitors.

You’ll also need a tool with the right data reports to track your chosen KPIs. For the example above, we would need to be able to track our site’s traffic numbers using a tool like Google Analytics.

See how this works? To summarize this process:

  • Look at your goals.
  • Set a KPI for each objective.
  • Determine how you will track each KPI (what tool will you need? How often will you need to look at the data?).

7. How will you maintain your content marketing strategy?

Finally, the final part of your content strategy involves what I call “maintenance mode.”

How will you maintain the strategy in the future? How will you keep it running?

There are three questions to consider when we talk about maintenance:

  • What is your budget for content marketing?
  • What does your content team look like, and what are their roles?
  • What tools will you use for content marketing?

Answer each of these questions with an outline of setup and structure.

  • Make a list of your team members and specific tasks Each of them is responsible for it.
  • List the instruments you plan to invest intheir participation costs and the purpose they will serve in your plan.
  • Then, using all the information you recorded in your strategy, Determine the budget you will need to implement it.

Your content strategy needs a framework

Every successful content marketing campaign needs a strategy.

And every content strategy needs the right framework to support it.

What is the main difference between scores and cockroaches? Codify your content strategy framework.

So don’t just think about it – document it. Share it with your team. Follow your plan, measure and track results, and pivot as needed.

Map everything out, but keep it flexible. you have this.

More resources:

  • Using the JTBD Framework for SEO Content
  • 8 elements of a successful content strategy
  • Complete Guide to Product Led Content Strategy (With Examples)

Featured image: dindumphoto/Shutterstock

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