Google Sets The Record Straight: AI Content In Search Results

Google has released a statement regarding its approach to AI-generated content in search results.

The company has a longstanding policy of rewarding quality content, regardless of whether humans or machines produce it.

Above all, Google’s rating systems aim to identify content that demonstrates expertise, experience, reliability, and trustworthiness (EEAT).

Google advises creators looking to succeed in search results to produce original, high-quality content and first person demonstrations of EEAT.

The company has updated its “Create Useful, Trusted Content, and Those People” help page with guidance on evaluating content in terms of “who, how, and why.”

Here’s how AI-generated content fits into Google’s approach to ranking high-quality content in search results.

Quality in the way of production

Focusing on content quality rather than production method has been a cornerstone of Google’s approach to search rankings for many years.

A decade ago, there were concerns about the rise of mass produced human content.

Instead of banning all human-generated content, Google has improved its systems to reward high-quality content.

Google’s focus on rewarding quality content, regardless of the method of production, continues to this day with its rating systems and useful content system introduced last year.

Automation and AI-generated content

Using automation, including AI, to create content With the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results Violates Google’s spam policies.

Google’s anti-spam efforts, including the SpamBrain system, will continue to combat such practices.

However, Google understands that not all uses of automation and AI-generated content are spam.

For example, publishers automate useful content such as sports scores, weather forecasts, and scripts.

Google says it will continue to take a responsible approach to AI-generated content while maintaining a high level of information quality and help with search results.

Google Advice for Publishers

For creators considering AI-generated content, here’s what Google recommends.

Google’s concept for EEAT is articulated in “Creating useful, authoritative content that puts people first” Help pagewhich has been updated with additional guidance.

The updated help page asks publishers to consider the “who, how and why” of how they produce content.

“Who” refers to the person who created the content, and it is important to make this clear by providing background or background information about the author.

The “how” relates to the method used to create the content, and it is useful for readers to know if automation or artificial intelligence is involved. If AI is involved in the content production process, Google wants you to be transparent and explain why it is being used.

The “why” refers to the purpose of creating the content, which should be to help people rather than manipulate search rankings.

Evaluating your content in this way, regardless of whether or not it was generated by AI, will help you stay consistent with what Google’s systems reward you.

Featured image: Alejandro Corral Mena/Shutterstock

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